The Round Table

The Round Table

Since we had three hardware meetings this year in my home, I decided to buy a peace of hardware to make the meetings even better. We will see in the future if it works.

I bought a wooden table made of nothing but wood. It was originally used *once* by a company to show their products in public and was stored in a warehouse for years, till it was blown up. The table was saved and found its way here, where it gets a new save home. FireFly


This is the entire table. Yeah, edge to edge it's 3m and workplace to workplace 2.60m.

The higher level is mend to store the displays, where the wires can be dumped though the hatch in the middle. This provides a clean and proper workspace which is on the second level. Amoeba

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This is the central hatch. The halve round holes are for leading the wires of the displays and speakers down into the belly.

The black elements can be removed, too. These are for leading the hot air from the inside to the outside. Removing is only required for cleaning dust.


For keyboard and mouse as well as for usb there is a secondary hatch on the desk level.


This is how it looks inside. I am nearly 2m tall and can sit in there with doors closed. It's bigger than many tents I saw.

The computers itself can be stored behind 12 massive wooden doors, two at each workspace. The doors to the belly of the beast.

I added a lamp to light up the interiour. The Lamp is also a 4 port power hub.


We carried the table down into the basement. During operation we stoped with one of the desk plates and let them slowly down. Unfortunatly the weight was to high and the stairs broke. Steel